A Cloud of Fraud by Linda Ferreri

Perhaps the suspicion of fraud enhances the flavor. C. S. Forester

Filtering by Tag: Mother Love starring Diana Rigg

Diana Rigg

I just read of the death of the great British actress Diana Rigg. Her talent was enormous and her passing is a huge loss for the world.

As I write my mystery novels, I often see my characters. They write their own stories; I merely type. There have been occasions when I have seen Diana Rigg across my field of view. I remember very well what I regard as one of the best mystery shows I ever watched on television, Mother Love, in which she starred. I dare not say more in case you take this note and go look for it and watch it. No spoiler am I. It is a brilliant performance, that one that she gave. The show is difficult to find but I managed on Youtube not long ago. I rewatch it.

We will miss you, Dame Diana Rigg! Rest in well earned peace. Send a note now and then, please.

One more note, having nothing to do with the demise of such a talent. I am trying to move this blog to my new website LindaFerreri.com. It turns out that is not easy, so what I may have to do is ask all of you, for a while now, to go there and read the blog that will simply start up there where it leaves off here, with some overlap of course.

Thank you for reading. Isabella in Red is out for preorder now on Amazon! Yay!