A Cloud of Fraud by Linda Ferreri

Perhaps the suspicion of fraud enhances the flavor. C. S. Forester

It's been a while

I admit I’ve been a bit stupefied by the pandemic. So I took to knitting. But the new mystery novel is coming along very well and will be in publishing shape really soon now. Claire Bliss is back but all of my books are stand alone novels.

In the meantime, I see there are nicer easier, if more expensive, means out there for self-publishing authors to format their books. The formatting can be a nightmare.

There is something else I have to take care of, after finishing the novel. My books can’t have their own web pages, I am told. It’s got to be about me, the author. I don’t really like that idea, but it seems to be the way. So keep an eye out for LindaFerreri.com because that’s the spot.

Stay well. I hope everyone is well. My heart broke for my beloved Italy but we are all on a healing path now, thank God. That too, like self-publishing, can be slow. But we press on with the necessary parts of that.